Radio Tube Tv Media- Russel Brand as a entertainer / actor/author/ media commentator and we now see he
has more to offer than just being funny he integrates comedy current events on his show on Trews
News he is the main anchor he challenges public figure like O'Reilly whom seems to in our opinion is driven by the Republican Party.
Russell Brand is best known for his over the top comedy but he is equally talented and he talks about equal rights of all people not just because they belong to a political party.
He tackles subjects with eloquence and he provides real points to each topic he covers. He also brings humor to the situation putting icing on the cake being true to himself he makes it worth watching.
On our last post we talked about Ferguson and the devastation of Micheal Browns family he discusses the oppression of the people, unlike other news outlets he is very honest about his viewpoint of the area the people watch what Russel has to say about it here
He tackles subjects with eloquence and he provides real points to each topic he covers. He also brings humor to the situation putting icing on the cake being true to himself he makes it worth watching.
On our last post we talked about Ferguson and the devastation of Micheal Browns family he discusses the oppression of the people, unlike other news outlets he is very honest about his viewpoint of the area the people watch what Russel has to say about it here
The studio seems to be wherever he may be at the time at times he is in a bathrobe sometimes a regular t shirt. It makes you question why people think they need to talk like they went to english grammar school to cover information.
Integrity is what the media claims to go by but from what Mr.Brand,is saying it's all smoke and mirrors.
Integrity is what the media claims to go by but from what Mr.Brand,is saying it's all smoke and mirrors.
Interview about his new book, we love the passion and love he has for current events Subscribe to his channel we have !
Watch Now Msnbc recent interview