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Showing posts from November 22, 2014

Billboard annoucing streaming music will be included in charts !!

Radiotubetv= Billboard will now include streaming music in the charts. Now internet rad io stations will be ab le to tap into being able to help anyone who gets played more exposure.  Beats Music will begin reporting streaming artists names to Billboard through A S CAP ,Bmi and Sesac. Spotify paid Taylor swift $585,000  for her latest smash album "1989 ", An artist pay out of 0.0081 to ?, it can differ but the @1500 streams you can make 12.0 0.   Getting your plays is likely going to raise the concern of fraud . The numbers just like in sports matter so advertising your music video and streaming music is the future so its i mportant we discuss how to effectively drive traffic to your website, musicians who have multiple submissions to internet ra dio stations will be playing the game with a head start. Very interesting how an artist creates a song gets paid less than they paid engineer  ! Time and efforts don't cover it so its important we discuss how to ef...

Mixing Business With Pleasure Wrong or Right Move ?

                    Mixing Business with please wrong or    right ? Radiotubetv - This week we watched Tyler Perry's Temptation and we were crying and we defiantly see that Tyler Perry is not done yet the Movie was more than great we don't get sidetracked like other people did with Mrs. West/ Kardashians appearance in the movie we kind of know there is a Kardashian in many circles .... okay maybe not but she was not the main focus the movie was very hard to watch at the end we can't tell you the end of it or you wont watch it .  Brandy Norwood  actress/singer and sister of Love and Hip Hop Reality Tv junkie Ray J went viral with Miss Kim Kardashian in mid 00's at the time the tape was supposedly leaked to the public. Just like Mimi Faust Sex tape Love and Hip Hop Atlanta  tape with Nikko , whom we later find is married.Nikko friend and ...

18 Year Old Davinci Draws a Stunning Likeliness of Morgan Freeman

  18 Year Old Davinci Draws  a Stunning Likeliness of Morgan Freeman  Jack Ecke the artist of this picture had no assistance with photo shop or even a camera truly a beautiful demonstration a person can do anything if they put their minds to it. Radiotubetv - A young talent guy by the name of Jack Ede spent 137 hours drawing a life like picture by hand no photo shop people ! This is the most amazing picture we have ever seen in our time. The interesting thing is it took him in comparison of a person working 100 hrs in two weeks is pushing it but this is such an amazing work of art with no computer assistance. The drawing was done with no photos or even a computer to place in wrinkle lines or skin tone is spot on witness the innovation in his work what a nice beautiful work of art for more of the story  click  for full details.....

Queen Latifah Show Cancelled After one Season...

                                                   Queen  Latifah Show Cancelled After one Season...  We have watched the clips of Queen Latifah interview with Jason Statham and many others during the  interview shows Statham clearly uncomfortable,  the actor a perfect example of being out of your comfort zone for the actor it seems,  that's the role of Oprah which it seemed on some of shows this was maybe  what was supposed to happen - ... There were those one  off moments that had us going to the Wendy Williams show now some may not be a fan of Wendy,  or Queen Latifah it may be not having a strong audience and following maybe it would have been better to ...

Radiotubetv Presents : The BluePrint Youtubes Dirty Little Secret Pt 1

Your Invited !

Coming soon....   specializes in entertainment and marketing we do also offer a monthly  hangout that offers artists creators of all types and opportunity to interview with us we invited artists business owners and we will broadcast on Blog talk Radio were people can call in to attend our meeting.  During our Kickback we will offer free industry contacts to registered subscribers and helpful tools. This will happen every month on the 12th of each month if things change we will inform our users subscribers are the only people who will get our free contacts and information so please understand we are building this site to offer artists a way to be heard.  We are excited about our Filmontv battle cam affiliation were we will create a video series every weekend we will pick 100 videos and host them on our Youtube channel and also our main site.  We cant tell you everything but our hopes are high on this ...