Radiotubetv= Billboard will now include streaming music in the charts. Now internet rad io stations will be ab le to tap into being able to help anyone who gets played more exposure. Beats Music will begin reporting streaming artists names to Billboard through A S CAP ,Bmi and Sesac. Spotify paid Taylor swift $585,000 for her latest smash album "1989 ", An artist pay out of 0.0081 to ?, it can differ but the @1500 streams you can make 12.0 0. Getting your plays is likely going to raise the concern of fraud . The numbers just like in sports matter so advertising your music video and streaming music is the future so its i mportant we discuss how to effectively drive traffic to your website, musicians who have multiple submissions to internet ra dio stations will be playing the game with a head start. Very interesting how an artist creates a song gets paid less than they paid engineer ! Time and efforts don't cover it so its important we discuss how to ef...
Music news current trends, we pride ourselves with finding the best artists who represent the "Good Music"seal of approval we send letters monthly to record labels we hold a montlhy hangout to empower connect and share music and tools to all musicians creators of all types. We have a internet radio site and also a Wordpress blog. Our staff updates with artist submissions and we accept submissions 24/7 Real People Real Music