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Showing posts from November 26, 2014

Song of the Day

Russell Brand Speaks Revolution, Interviews and Goes in on O'reilly

                                                            Radio Tube Tv Media - Russel Brand as a entertainer / actor/author/ media commentator   and we now see he  has more to offer than just being funny he integrates comedy current events on his show on  Trews  News he is the main anchor he challenges public figure like O'Reilly whom seems to in our opinion is driven by the Republican Party. Russell Brand is best known for  his over the top comedy but he is equally talented and he talks about equal rights of all people not just because they belong to a political party.  He tackles subjects with eloquence and he provides real points to each topic he covers. He also brings humor to the situation putting icing on the cake being true to him...

Jurassic World Coming Soon June 2015

The Dinosaurs are back !!!! Official Trailor  Radiotubetvmedia = Coming 2015 Jurrasic Park is back ! Now if you havent watched the older movies then for all those people born after or were too little at the time the first Jurassic Park, made in 93' starring Jeff Goldblum Sam Neill and Laura Dern, Counting the first movie its as if they keep playing with genetics again this time just like last things don't go as planned... So wh ats  next  for these dinosaurs that never die ? Watch this Trailer  until June this is the taste of what is to come ....


Riots and shootings due to the decision, we are concerned that the trial was very fast. The injustice  of the punishment of the man whom shot Micheal Brown when he was unarmed seemed to be a entire different story.  Look at the video here does it seems as if the cop feels bad for shooting the boy ? What was the crime ? Officer Darren Stated " I was just doing my job that day.  then he goes on to say he didn't feel bad ? Then he saids " Its just something that happened "... We truly believe if this man gets away scott free he will need to understand that karma is what will be the test of time the community members are a conflict of interest we hope his mother challenges this and sues the police department of negligence and for the death of her child. Our prayers go out to the family.  Micheal Brown is not alive due to this officers actions how is this Justice ? Eyewitness to the shooting Michael Brady was ...