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Showing posts from January 25, 2015

The Interview Review

English: Interview with Oscar nominee James Franco (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Interview Review  The movie opens up with James   Franco and Seth Rogin working  as a team, firstly we want to say this makes, James and Franco (Dave Skylark ) perfect team because of the chemistry between them, Seth Rogin character     Aaron Rapoport  struggles to come to terms with his life direction when he became a journalist he wanted what others wanted in the movie it turns into working with   James Franco on his entertainment news show the opening scene with Eminem was something that we know he would not say  but it is a movie, The movie is a must see and its very funny we can see why it made people so angry there is a reference to the supreme leader not using the restroom you can see more here on the movie that had everyone on pins and needles is nothing more than a satire  movie  Watch The Trailer  Related...

The Interview star Randall Park Knew there would be Drama read more here...

The Interview Actor Breaks  His Silence ! Radiotubetv media Controversial movie The Interview has been released we even watched it again on YouTube !! Don't tell on us cause we did not post it lol... Randall Park portrayal  of Kim- Jong Un on the controversial movie the Interview picture source accredited to Sony Movie studios   The interview actor   Randall Park spoke with reporters during the interview he talked about how he knew there would be drama here is his statement where he spoke with Los Angeles Times    about his role on the movie "The Interview starring James Franco and Seth Rogan . We have heard so much  from James Franco & Seth Rogin but what about they guy who played the dictator  ?  Surprisingly he did respond to media and he did have his own take on how it feels to play the North Korean dictator he had death threats made just like his co- stars but he wasn't surprised about what happened...