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Showing posts from July 25, 2015

Straight Outta Compton - Official Trailer (HD)

How to Promote your music

                                                How to promote your Music    Musicians have to understand there are more ways to build awareness and it starts with them creating a website with style and originality using Blogger to create the foundation and forwarding it to domain may be the start to creating your own brand identity. If you already own a Weebly or Blogger account then you can already get started ! Bio page can be video be different you do not have to be like everyone else creating a power point video and also adding interviews you have as a online Epk can prove to be a unique way of seeing who you are and also what other people think about your music. Cobary jam a rock alternative group has a great bio check there site and music Cobary  Jam  has been compared to Nirvana and they continue to gain the attention o...