English: Seth Rogen at the Toronto International Film Festival 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: James Franco at the Austin Film Festival in October 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What is going on ? Why has this movie made by the very talented James Franco and Seth Rogin cause such a stir ? There has been death Threats and its getting really uncomfortable just today on CNN there was a mention of an imminent cyber attack just because of the movie the Interview ? It's just a movie what is wrong with everyone !Even Obama and the Whitehouse put their words in about an N. Korea being at fault now we have had some mix reviews by our staff but goodness gracious what is wrong with people ! Not to mention they have even stated their would be consequences... First it was they did not do it now we are gonna have to pay ! Why is this happening ? There has been some things said ,that are just o...
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