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The very first post we have had to introducing Radiotubetv is a place to promote free.
"Cobary Jams email was the first we opened.the group's music was played so much that it became second nature to sing to the lyrics. The music is infectious it makes you wanna sing along we even did a test with the music with tweens and teenagers and they loved it."
_Media Staff
Real Music Deserves to be Heard
Cobary Jam has this unique sound that cannot be overlooked. Our site is not genre specific .We got a lot of our staff ,who are lovers of Hip Hop and all types of music the interesting thing is our staff has a soft spot for this group because of their insane understanding how to promote themselves, Music is not something that is easy to put together when someone can sing and play a guitar a in synchronization in perfect harmony not to mention drums that are played with perfection. It 's a gift ,to a persons ear when its done with brilliance.
Listen to the chemistry in this group has an amazing sound not to mention a beautiful guitar player !Girl power!
We love the visual video. This is our first submission! We wanted to save them overtime till we were able to share with our vistors,because it is a testament.if you have a great sound image and your songs are at a industry standards its only a matter of time.
The group consists of a female and two males the trio has an amazing chemistry we can only wonder what it sounds like live !
It's a Memory is very interesting and not only that it gives us the chills !When we heard it we were like Wow! Most artists sound alike we liked their music cause it was nothing like we here on a regular basis.
The group is an electronic fused rock trio" Say I Made " yet another great song. "Back in Action" yet another song that keeps you wanting more.
It's a Memory is very interesting and not only that it gives us the chills !When we heard it we were like Wow! Most artists sound alike we liked their music cause it was nothing like we here on a regular basis.
The group is an electronic fused rock trio" Say I Made " yet another great song. "Back in Action" yet another song that keeps you wanting more.
Our whole goal is to give every artist who puts the time and effort into submitting a page of review of their music and a link to Wix to link to our page since Cobary Jam had this option we were really surprised and had to restructure our process. Their music is orginal and it has this it factor that has us hooked.
Cobary Jam's, images are stunning and grab your attention their music looks as great as their music, if you check their twitter page you can see the time and effort put into their shows.
Cobary Jam's, images are stunning and grab your attention their music looks as great as their music, if you check their twitter page you can see the time and effort put into their shows.
Then one day we invited to our hangout for the Artist Xpoze page , we came across some familiar faces it was Cobary Jam !
Sorry but we must admit,we are star struck We were just talking about Nirvana and thinking wow how we liked them when we heard the raw but mixed down sleek melodic tone come from the speakers we where hooked ! The delivery of the vocals the confidence the swagger in the live show most people are not comfortable on stage as in the studio. As an artist I Spotlight they will get creative marketing package free which includes syndication of thier video 24/7 airplay free promotion in multiple social networks and artist consult free.
It's hard for us to keep this all to ourselves, so we decided to Share their music they are something to watch out for talented writing original music is nothing easy.
The chemistry coming from this group is off the charts. When you see a group with this much talent it has to be shared. What we would like anyone who reads this article to do at the end is share it if you don't comment watch their video pay it forward in music this is our challenge for the next year, we built Radiotubetv,com for artist's like Cobary Jam.We have made mistakes one things we know with a doubt is,there is no mistake about it. Cobary Jam's music is unique, melodic, versatile sound even our host a hip hop lover wanted to do a rock song after hearing it.
Thank you for reading this article as a benefit of reading this artist write up click the words: Cobary Jam the next big sound you cannot deny if you are an artist or know of one free distribution link!
Sorry but we must admit,we are star struck We were just talking about Nirvana and thinking wow how we liked them when we heard the raw but mixed down sleek melodic tone come from the speakers we where hooked ! The delivery of the vocals the confidence the swagger in the live show most people are not comfortable on stage as in the studio. As an artist I Spotlight they will get creative marketing package free which includes syndication of thier video 24/7 airplay free promotion in multiple social networks and artist consult free.
It's hard for us to keep this all to ourselves, so we decided to Share their music they are something to watch out for talented writing original music is nothing easy.
The chemistry coming from this group is off the charts. When you see a group with this much talent it has to be shared. What we would like anyone who reads this article to do at the end is share it if you don't comment watch their video pay it forward in music this is our challenge for the next year, we built Radiotubetv,com for artist's like Cobary Jam.We have made mistakes one things we know with a doubt is,there is no mistake about it. Cobary Jam's music is unique, melodic, versatile sound even our host a hip hop lover wanted to do a rock song after hearing it.
Thank you for reading this article as a benefit of reading this artist write up click the words: Cobary Jam the next big sound you cannot deny if you are an artist or know of one free distribution link!
Hear their music now
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