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Pinterest How to Kill it on Pinterest

              Social Media How to Kill it  Pinterest 

Pinterest  pin button  has surpassed Facebooks like button ! Twitters Tweet button has been surpassed by the pin button so lets get into how you can dominate Pinterest no  matter what your angle is online.Pinterest is a hub to promote and advertise all things because it is a visual game this will give, a business a way to connect their image story and establish an online presence. 

Radiotubetv- Lets talk numbers first,More than 
62% of businesses have pin it button if you have a blog or website you can pin with a pin tool bar free from pinterest, over 5 million photo uploaded each month. Interaction is at  50% media education teaches you to know your audience so even as a small business musician ,filmamaker 
writer actress entrepreneur blogger vlogger basically anything you can make more ofm connection like instagram the image is everything ! 

Did you know a consumer is more likely to click on a image 60% more than post that has no image catching attention don't waste your time  posting 1 million times its all about the words you use the call to action and the image. Trends are showing visual is the future so being seen is not all about some random video its quality not quantity.

Suggested pins are suggested why not create a board and use other peoples pins 
rules of the game in engagement its not all about you ! Geological locations follow buttons this button can be added to your webpage or blog a blogger account has this on it already..

Pinterest  can be a cool place to post your videos too so if you have videos your trying to 
reach new subscribers then post them to syndicate your video across the web. Create a landing page the collect email address depending on your campaign this will differ depending if  you just have a blog video site or and offer. Link your image with your site. 

Gift pins can be used to promote a product, price if changed alerts the user when the price  has dropped so if you have merchandise to sell then what are you waiting for ? 

Watch the featured categories and pins this can drive more traffic depending on your niche 
you can send  a message and drive interest to your website. Regardless of produce or service The messages feature can be used as a Marketing tool. 

For more on how to Kill Pinterst  Tune into the 
Monday Social Media tips broadcast 


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