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New! Radiotubetv: So You Wanna be a actor ? Hustling Hollywood Review

In a interview with Bill Duke,  we witnessed of a famed actor tells the hard truth about acting
it's a courage thing he explains how people can pretend to be something instead of just pretending...

The Dream

Great actors try a lot of different roles do a lot of different things but the great actors have to surrender to the evil in them as a person you can hate murder's hate abuser and turn into one ?

The interesting thing is the actor is giving a honest view of what you need to be to make it its not
about how good you look , it helps you but the appearance of success can blind us hard work work ethic and never makes it to the top you have to know you are on a mission a path sexual favors the truth is just being talented only its called Show business nice face and body but no understanding of industry.

Bill Duke  then said's " This is a Pimp and Ho industry". Your  agent  and manager get a percentage ,  the  key to master is the  business of leveraging your talent , two men made a film with a cell phone yep we mentioned it in our last post  making sure you own something !!!

Keep that in your mind because this will work in your favor !

Waiting to get discovered....
Know there are people who practice day and night and work toward a goal a path a plan.

The Woman Male Factor

Harrison  Ford, can have a female love interest who is 30-40 in a movie
you cannot name one woman who is 70 years old who
has a love interest who is 30-40 years old in a movie who is a man
He goes on to say that  woman 14-38

System of the business itself is what a lot of actors understand so you see Kevin Beacon come back in Xmen even better !

Recommended readings Bill Duke recommended

"The war of Art "
"The Dip "

Webisodes Mobile tv cellphone apps
you don't need the permission of a system to say you can do this now is the wrong mentality
create your own opportunity work with other people network 

Subscribe to Filmcourage  Youtube channel if you are a  filmmaker,  this information is priceless ,the interesting thing  is this  video is better than watching a news special on television. 

Final Thought

Youtube has a lot of great people who make great series and we love it !
We are planning to create our own series that will be introduced soon
nothing is easy and no one tells you how hard it can be truly to be successful
so if you have a dream to be a actor film maker video creator then do it !


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