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June Friday

June Friday  Artist Spotlight 2016 !

Many of the submissions we receive sound the same one day while we were interviewing an artist we caught wind that there was an artist we had to listen to so we where introduced to June Friday and it was the best original music we heard in awhile. 

Musicians dont write from this place anymore its like a new version of John Lennon the interesting thing while listening to this great music collection it takes you to a place music these days well it sounds like another artist we have heard before originality has not died its very much alive.
June  Friday hailing from Arizona with a soulful Rock project has 12 tracks of pure perfection the vocals are infectious rock never felt so good this project will be shopped to major films plus more we talked with June Fridays camp and the hope is to get the awareness out about this Great project, the interesting thing about this artist is he didn't create a project to just write songs and in doing this we feel he has the most original album we have heard this year.

"Echo Review"
The song has some great instruments added in its a nice slow and relaxing song reminds us of the 70's song that still ring true today. The melodic guitars and June Fridays voice are perfect. Songwriting is something June knows well his lyrics are so free in this song. Echo is a great song all of Junes songs are produced with passion and feeling it feels as if you could put your child to sleep with the songs.

"Never Everything "
"A dream i never  want to leave "
The catchy chorus is so intoxicating and each song provides something different the dramatic instrumentals plus the folk guitar plus his voice is like a angel from heaven the songs are so relaxing.

"Coin "
Wow another great song  June Friday has a sound that  will change the way we listen to music. The project is a melodic but powerful collection of feel good music . The song is  on another level we felt like we taken to Mars on this song. June has a voice that of a legend he sings like a old soul and we love it !


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